Diary of a Furloughed Federal Employee, Day 3

I got up late (around 8:30 am) again on Day 3 (Thursday). (Sensing the start of a trend here.) It was a pretty non-productive day. Worked on blog in the morning and went to the gym in the afternoon. Other than that, a lot of the same old same old (C-Span watching and video game playing).

Tried to get the scanner working in the afternoon – I need  to scan some photos of Capital Accord Chorus singing the National Anthem at the Baltimore Orioles game last July.

There was a brief moment of hopeful excitement in the afternoon when I heard Tom Harkin say that the Speaker had agreed to let the “clean CR” come to a vote in the House. I must have been hallucinating though, because the House only voted on the bill to keep the V.A. going for the duration. Following hopeful excitement was the chasing of the black Infiniti from the White House to the Capitol.

Oh well . . . Tomorrow is another day. I won’t have Congress in session for amusement. But I’ll play in the Sligo Creek Golf outing tomorrow afternoon. Looking forward to that. I’ll be going over a little early to help set up because my husband is the president of the Sligo Creek Golf Association and I’m on the board. (I can’t link to the association’s website right now because it’s down for re-construction – by my daughter.)

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